"Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεός ἦν ὁ λόγος." - John 1:1

The beginning does not begin at the beginning. Alas it begins here, forthwith as I present these events to you, as I am typing now on my Toshiba Laptop in the 21st century of our lord (or after this world has already ended according to the Mayan calendar). It has taken myself much prolonged thoughtfulness to muster up the courage to share this truth with others. For; I do believe, it has become a necessary concern to awake in the hearts of all the "power of the magi" in this realm of existance. Shall we say, the nature of being (hermetically speaking of course)!?!

In this modern age I am going by the nom de plume of Jonquil. Acquired from the simple and plain yet pretty daffodils that grew outside the bedchambers window of my youth. In my earlier incarnations I assumed the alias Parcieval as sort of a play on words. Parcieval or Part Evil or Part Eve as in Adam and... The writers of yesteryore incorrectly spelled the name percival, for which I do not blame them for the misunderstanding. For they were not there, nor did they have any inkling of my state of mind. The perplexing thoughts of a young lady in a world not quite ready for such independence; certainly not from the female folk of the era of my birth.

For alas, my state of mind has always been a very intangible cogitation. And hanging out in the Grateful Dead's parking lots did nothing to help the matter. It may actually have been what brinked my reality between chaos and neutrality many times in this day and age. Whereas, when you have drawn the breathe of life eternal a bit of madness accompanies one along the path. The ravages of the ages take their toll upon the soul. Perhaps this orientation has now veered into ramblings, and we must not lead the reader off into non-sense. So as it stands, here is the account of my adventures.

Mistic Tales (copyright 2011) with revisions.